Welcome To Arbor Grove Primary School

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You are requested to contact the office if your child is required to take medication during school hours. If your child is on medicine three times per day you can usually give this before and after school and at bed time. Each request will require a Medication Request form to be completed by the parent before medication can be administered.

The administration of prescribed medication and analgesics will require a Health Care Authorisation form to be completed by the doctor prescribing the medication. The medication must be in the original packaging as provided by the pharmacy detailing the patient script information.

Health Conditions

Parents of students with particular medical conditions e.g. epilepsy, allergies, asthma will be invited to assist in developing a Health Care Plan for their child. Advise your child’s teacher of any medical conditions and allergies that may require a plan being developed.

Medical Emergencies

Every effort will be made to contact parents if a medical emergency arises. However, in the case of a medical emergency, children will be treated by staff and, if necessary, call an ambulance. The ambulance service will bill the family.
Please ensure that all data pertaining to HEALTH, EMERGENCY CONTACTS, and the name and telephone number of your MEDICAL PRACTITIONER on your child’s ENROLMENT CARD is up to date.